Jersey Day Action 2021
Jersey Day is on September 3 and was set up by the Gremmo family after local teenager Nathan Gremmo lost his life after a road accident in May 2015.
He had spoken to his family about organ donation not long before the accident and so his family agreed to donate his organs to help others. His father, Michael says the aim of Jersey Day is to encourage people to wear their favourite team jersey and have conversations with family and friends about the importance of becoming an organ and tissue donor.
This year people are being asked to post a video of themselves in their shirts doing a trick shot before September 2 and upload the video to social media using the hashtag #jerseydaytrickshot.
They should TAG @jerseydayau plus TAG a Registered Australian Charity or Sporting Club that they would donate a prize to if they won and TAG a friend with a challenge to post their own #jerseydaytrickshot
The top five top shots will win a $1000 donation to their nominated Registered Australian Sporting Club or Charity. @jerseydayau on Social Media and
Entries close Thursday, September 2 at 12pm. To register as an organ and tissue donor visit