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Hills Parent Forum

If you have ever wondered how to connect with your teen while they are constantly online this free forum at Castle Hill may have some useful tips and answers.

Ethan West

The expert speakers include Terrie Toner who has over 30 years experience working with families and adolescents, dealing with relationships and family distress, mental health issues, stress, depression and anxiety,

She will be joined by Dan Hardie, experienced teen counsellor, who founded My Strengths Australia. Dan has worked with young people for his entire career and is passionate about helping them overcome those obstacles that keep them anxious and blocked.

Hills Police Command’s Youth Liaison Officer, Senior Constable Ethan West is the final speaker. His main role is developing strategies to engage and implement crime prevention initiatives and diversion strategies for offending and at risk youth in the area.

The free parent forum will be held on Wednesday May 10th at the Pioneer Theatre underneath Castle Hill Library with registrations open from 6pm.

The forum has been organised by the Hills Domestic Violence Prevention Network (HDVPN) and has been held for many years due to demand.

Terrie Toner

HDVPN Convenor Uma Menon said: “The topic this year is ‘dis/CONNECTing with your TEEN – How to connect with your teen when they’re connected online. It can often seem like our teens are inclined to be using technology for a bigger part of their daily lives in this digital world. It is also essential to remember that, just as teens do need to have good boundaries and rules for offline behaviour, they most certainly need guidance to protect them when online. “While understanding the potential risks for our teens when they are connected online, this forum for parents will be presented by experts on how to help you have a healthy relationship in this digital world with your teen.”

MC for the event is Youth Worker and student support worker Tara Gleig who says the forum will provide new insight and strategies.

“Parenting is a big job which comes with a lot of pressure to have perfect children, however along the way it becomes increasingly complex as we enter the adolescent stage,” she said. “Factors such as technology, peer pressure, curiosity, pushing boundaries, sexuality and mental health can make parenting difficult and often we as parents feel helpless and alone. We can start to second guess ourselves.

Dan Hardie

“The truth is, you are probably doing better than you think, we just need more opportunities to see it. That’s why parenting forums like this are a crucial element to building confidence and education. They provide new insight, strategies and tools to help navigate this complex stage and connect with your children through love, confidence, courage and education.”

dis/CONNECTing with your TEEN
How to connect with your teen when they’re connected online.
Wednesday, May 10th 2023. 6pm Registrations. Talks 6.30pm to 8.15pm with Q & A until 9pm.

Pioneer Theatre under Castle Hill Library, 12-14 Pennant St, Castle Hill.

Free but bookings essential email: [email protected]

Bev Jordan

Bev Jordan studied journalism at Harlow College in the UK.  She achieves a Diploma in Journalism from the National Council for the Training of Journalists. After migrating to Australia at the end of 1984, she took up a Senior Journalist position with Cumberland Newspapers, based on the Parramatta Advertiser. She has since worked on the Daily Telegraph, Sydney Morning Herald and was a lecturer in Journalism at Macleay College in Sydney. Bev returned to Cumberland Newspapers (NewsLocal) and worked for 30 years covering all different mastheads, including Mosman Daily, Mount Druitt Standard and finally Hills Shire Times for the last… More »

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