Ross Graham

Hills Hornets Touch FA Nominated for 2022/23 NSWTA Awards

The awardees will be announced on a conference and dinner on 5 August 2023.

The Hills Hornets Touch Football Association and its members were finalists in different awards in the 2022/23 NSW Touch Association Awards.

The association received five nominations in total: Katrina Mcilwraith At The Hills Hornets Touch Awards

  • Affiliate of the Year, Hills TA
  • Administrator of the Year, Katrina Mcilwraith
  • Youth Volunteer of the Year, Sophie Williams
  • Social Media Account of the Year, Hills TA Facebook
  • Junior Female Player of the Year, Waiaria Ellis

Katrina Mcilwraith was also nominated for the Rod Wise Volunteer of the Year, the highest award given to an individual with a remarkable contribution as a volunteer to touch football in NSW.

In addition, eligible Social Media accounts are judged by their active use of their social media platforms and by exhibiting interaction growth. Similarly, Affiliates are regions evaluated on their proficient administration, organisation, and the consistent creation of projects, programs, and strategies in training.

According to the NSW Touch, the finalists were judged according to different criteria from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023. Other categories include Aileen May Medal, Affiliate Referee Director of the Year, Blues Awards, and Distinguished Long Service Awards. 

So far, the Hills Hornets Touch Football and its members have received awards in different categories on ten occasions.

An upcoming NSW Touch Awards State Conference and Awards Dinner will be held on 5 August 2023 at the Bankstown Sports Club. The event will primarily be a networking program, followed by the recognition of the nominated individuals.

 Image credit to Hills Hornets Touch Football Association and NSW Touch

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