AllHawkesbury City Council

Hawkesbury City Council seeks feedback on South Windsor Park Concept Plan

South Windsor Park Concept Landscape Masterplan
The Concept Landscape Masterplan of South Windsor Park, also known as Mileham Street Netball Complex © by Civille PTY LTD via the Hawkesbury City Council

Hawkesbury City Council is looking forward to the community’s feedback on the concept plan of South Windsor Park, also known as the Mileham Street Netball Complex.

According to the Council, the Concept Landscape Masterplan features a “long-term vision for the park which will improve the general amenity and facilitate greater community use and enjoyment of the park.”

“Development of this landscape masterplan does not represent a formal commitment to funding,” the Hawkesbury City Council reminded.

The concept plan only serves as a guide to create a potential future site usage and inform future capital works budgets.

“Full development of the park will not be completed in the short to medium term.”

This includes the possible amenities and goals such as:

  • Create accessible path connections and clear entries to key zones across the park.
  • Create a loop track with exercise stations.
  • Create new activities within the park including facilities for youth, multi-use courts, play spaces and learn to ride area.
  • Upgrade and rationalise the parking.
  • Manage stormwater runoff, soften the landscape and increase tree canopy to create cool pockets with shade and seating.
  • Upgrade and rationalise the netball courts (pavement and lighting)
  • Rationalise the buildings on site into a new combined sporting and amenity building that is centrally located and accessible to all.

A version of the concept plan and feedback can be accessed online at, while the survey will remain open until Sunday, 4 February 2024. 

Other means of providing feedback are mailing at PO Box 146, Windsor NSW 2756, or emailing Council at [email protected].

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