AllCommunity NewsHawkesbury City Council

Have Your Say – Hawkesbury Social Infrastructure Survey Events

Hawkesbury City Council is currently developing a new Social Infrastructure Strategy that will guide future decisions about the planning, delivery, funding and management of open spaces, sporting and recreation facilities, and community, and cultural facilities.
We want to hear from the Hawkesbury community about the local facilities, spaces, and places that you visit, what your experiences have been and what community needs that planning.
? Complete the online survey at The survey will be open till 20 March 2023.
? Attend one of the community workshops (in-person and online options) on:
? Wednesday 15 March 2023: 6pm-7.30pm at the Tebutt Room, Deerubbin Centre (300 George Street, Windsor NSW 2756)
? Attend one of the community pop-ups being held across the LGA on:
? Saturday 11 March 2023: 9AM-12noon at Richmond Swim Centre, 171 East Market Street, Richmond
? Sunday 12 March 2023: 9.30AM-12noon at St Albans Village Markets, 2 Wharf Street, St Albans
? Sunday 12 March 2023: 11am-2pm at George Street Mall, Windsor (area in front of the Fitzroy Pub)
? Saturday 18 March 2023: 9.30AM-11AM at Wilberforce Shopping Centre, King Road, Wilberforce
? Saturday 18 March 2023: 1.30PM-3PM at Pitt Town & District Sports Club, 139 Old Pitt Town Road, Pitt Town

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