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Greater Sydney Landcare welcomes friends of Toongabbie Streamwatch group

This week Friends of Toongabbie Creek had their 1st one year anniversary being 300 members old!!
We celebrated by diving into the data and re-establishing Streamwatch along the Creek to allow the local community to be aware of the water quality and knowing what the health of the creek is under the surface .
These local Champions clean up rubbish, keep the weeds in check and restore the surrounding Cumberland Riverflat Forest vegetation & Sydney Turpentine-Ironbark Forest.
Given its flood prone habitat, the endangered native plant community has such an important role in maintaining river ecosystems and riverbank stability.
Riparian health also reduces the amount of nutrients entering the waterway while maintaining water temperature and oxygen levels, while creating homes & food for our wildlife that depends on a functioning ecosystem.
So happy that Toongabbie Creek has such awesome friends that care for country and are actively creating positive changes for this freshwater urban ecosystem !!!

Congratulations FoTc (Friends of Toongabbie Creed)  you are all Legends maintaining a legacy.
Great work team, may your creek have a ripple affect to match your enthusiasm that will flow downstream and encourage many to make a difference
Nature needs us as much as we need nature your community is better for the care, commitment and compassion you all share

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