Infrastructure Grants Available for Community Groups in Castle Hill
Local organisations in Castle Hill can now apply for Grants for Community Groups to support local community projects thanks to the NSW Government’s Club grants program, Member for Castle Hill Ray Williams MP said today.
Mr Williams said Club grants allow local community groups to build or upgrade community facilities and a new round opened on 27 June, with applications welcome from not-for-profit organisations.
“$12.5 million is available this year for new or upgraded facilities across sport and recreation, arts and culture, disaster readiness and community infrastructure.
It is an opportunity for local organisations to apply for funding for projects that will provide long-term benefits to the community by funding construction, alteration, renovation, completion and fit-out of buildings and community infrastructure.
This is about connecting the community, fostering participation in sport, recreation and arts, and boosting social inclusion and disaster resilience,” Mr Williams said.
Flood affected communities will be prioritised in funding decisions for this round, in line with priorities for disaster affected communities.
Applications for the first round of funding for 2022/23 open on 27 June to 18 July. To find out more information or to apply, please visit