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Get to know Tina Cartwright

Labor Candidate for Castle Hill in the upcoming NSW State Election.

Tina wants to give Hills Locals a real voice in NSW Parliament and to be a force for change. After 60 years of Liberals in The Hills Shire and 70% of broken promises since 2015, Tina feels locals have been taken for granted in our area.

As a long-term resident of the The Hills, Tina decided to run to give locals a real voice. Tina listens when locals talk to her about the cost of living, the overcrowding at local schools, the tolls they have to pay, and how local roads and health services are not keeping up with residential development.

Tina is married, has two children who attend local Hills schools and has worked in small and large business and is also studying her Bachelor of Nursing degree. As a parent and primary carer of a child with Special Needs, Tina is acutely aware of the importance of proper healthcare, aged-care and wellbeing services across the community. Tina understands the issues surrounding her local community and holds a deep passion for the most vulnerable in society. Tina wants to address the poor planning around inappropriate residential/commercial developments, and to develop proper planning and safety for our NSW road infrastructure. Homelessness, domestic-violence and the preservation of our local environment are also policy areas that are important to our constituents.

Tina is pleased to announce that a Chris Minns NSW Labor Government has committed to:
• Better healthcare with 1200 additional nurses
• To invest $700 million into the Rouse Hill hospital, which more than doubles the $300 million in broken promises since 2014 by the NSW Liberal Government
• Sustainable development in The Hills Area
• A strong manufacturing base for NSW
• More support and permanent job security for our teachers
• To address education with permanent teacher positions and school overcrowding
• Putting an end to privatisation that will reduce energy bills and a $60 weekly cap on toll road costs.

After 60 years of Liberals in The Hills Shire, Tina feels it’s time for the first woman in Castle Hill to take YOUR VOICE to NSW Parliament.

Authorised by Bob Nanva, Australian Labor Party (NSW Branch), Level 9 377 Sussex St Sydney NSW 2000.


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