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‘Minor to Major Flooding likely in Hawkesbury-Nepean River on Late Friday’

NSW SES Heavy rain predicted flooding likely

The Bureau of Meteorology is advising everyone to stay vigilant as minor to major flooding is possible in the Hawkesbury-Nepean River late Friday, the Bureau reported in its Initial Flood Watch on Wednesday, 3 April 2023.

“A coastal trough is forecast to deepen and potentially develop into a low-pressure system between Friday and Saturday.”

“The trough is forecast to move towards the south coast by late Saturday bringing widespread rainfall.”

“This rainfall has the potential to cause minor to moderate flooding along parts of the Mid North Coast, Wollombi Brook, Sydney region, South Coast and parts of the North West from early Saturday. Minor to Major flooding is also possible along the Hawkesbury Nepean River from late Friday.”

“Catchments are relatively wet in the north and average to dry around Sydney and the South Coast.”

Bureau of Meteorology 04-04-2024 NSW
A false-colour infrared image captured at 10:30 AEST shows “a trough over central Queensland and northeast New South Wales is supporting mid-level cloud with embedded thunderstorms.” © Bureau of Meteorology

Catchments likely to be affected include:

⚠️Hawkesbury and Lower Nepean Rivers minor to major flooding

⚠️Colo River minor to moderate flooding

⚠️Macdonald River

The situation is being actively monitored and updated flood watches and warnings will be issued where necessary over the coming days.


Residents in areas previously isolated should take the opportunity NOW to ensure you have ample supplies in case of isolation.  This includes:

📌 Food stuffs and beverages

📌 Medicines

📌 Fodder and stock feed

📌 Fuel for your generator(s).

Hills SES Heavy Rain Predicted, flooding likely
© NSW SES The Hills Unit


Residents and businesses, in low-lying areas along these river systems and adjoining creeks, should PREPARE for the possibility of flooding. If a flood warning is issued you may need to:

📍 Relocate pumps and farm equipment to higher ground

📍 Relocate horses and livestock to higher ground that will not become an island if flood heights increase

📍 Make plans to leave when advised to do so. Ensure you take pets and valuables with you.


📞For emergency help in floods and storms, call the NSW State Emergency Service on 132 500.

📞 In life threatening situations call triple zero (000) immediately.


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ℹ️ For the latest Rainfall and River heights visit

ℹ️ For road closures visit Road Closures at  or Hawkesbury City Council Disaster and Emergency Dashboard

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