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Fire Destroys Home

A family of seven lost everything they owned when a recent fire destroyed their North Richmond home.

Ray Hines, his step-son Todd Pratley and five foster children, aged from seven to 16 years old have been left reeling by the incident which happened three months after Ray’s partner and Todd’s mum, Karrina, died suddenly at the age of 50 following a brain hemorrhage.

She and Todd were full-time foster carers and had been for years. They also cared for Ray who is in a wheelchair due to advanced Multiple sclerosis.

The family was still coming to terms with the sudden loss of Karrina when fire engulfed their home on Sunday, August 26th.

Over 35 firefighters from seven Fire and Rescue NSW and one RFS Brigade tackled the blaze which broke out just before 3.30pm at the two storey home in Flinders Place.

It is believed the blaze may have been caused by an electrical fault.

Todd said he and four of the children were at a new park less than a 5 minute walk from their home when he got a call from the 14-yearold who remained behind.

“He called me and told me the house was on fire. He grabbed the dog (Raff) and was sitting on the neighbour’s lawn when we raced back. We could see the smoke.”

The house was gutted. Todd said the community had gone above and beyond to help the family.

Photo from Fire and Rescue Richmond Facebook page

‘They have been brilliant,” he said. He said the community had provided them with a new home to rent, clothes, furniture and more. “The response has been overwhelming.”

Ray was visiting a friend when the fire took hold. His electric wheelchair was one of the items destroyed. Family Friend Sharon Harris said Ray had kept a shrine to Karrina with her ashes on a table in his room. “It’s like he has lost her twice,” she said.

The family moved to Australia from New Zealand in 2011 following the Christchurch earthquake.

A neighbour started a fundraising page to help the family which has raised its $10,000 target in a few days. The My Cause website page: Help Family Who Lost Everything in North Richmond House Fire has now reached over $11,000 with 136 donations.

Britt said on the page: “The children have lost cherished items from their prior lives that can never be replaced, as well as all their everyday items from clothing to toothbrushes, bsckpacks to ipads/laptops.

“I am hoping to raise some immediate funds to meet the families basic needs and provide other items to assist their wellbeing in the immediate aftermath of the fire.

“It’s times like these, when people in our community are touch by tragedy, we are reminded how fortunate we are for the basics we take for granted. There is always something we can all do to make things a little easier for others.”

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