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Reflecting on The Past Year and The Year to Come

Every year has its challenges, and 2023 has been no exception.

Rising Cost of Living Hurting Local Families and Businesses, 2023-24 Australia Volunteer Grants are Now Open, Bushfire Season, community events

Financial planning, Families, households and businesses across Berowra have all experienced financial pressure. Thirteen successive interest rate increases, and wages not keeping up with prices have put most households under pressure.

Young and old are experiencing the financial vice – with interest rates and rents going up and up.

As your federal MP, I want to assure you that the number one, two and three issue that I’m focused on is the economy. Productivity, workplace relations and keeping government spending under control really matters.

My view is that it is better that government tightens its belt than households having to tighten its belts.

During such times when we are all are under stress, our sense of community and attachment to community matters more than ever. Getting involved with community groups, like mums’ groups, Men’s Sheds, bushwalking groups and many of the service organisations can all help alleviate the sense of isolation that can strike in such times.

These groups are important not only for the service they provide our community but the bonds they create across Berowra. It’s why I’ve been proud to work with over 65 local groups this year in securing federal funding to help them in their work.

We live in a bushfire prone area, and with summer approaching I want to encourage to freshen up their fire plans for the summer. If you haven’t ever done one, you can find out more at

Please read up on this, it could save your life.

As Christmas nears, I want to thank all our emergency services personnel and volunteers for everything they have done over the year and will do over the summer.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone across Berowra. I look forward to continuing to serve you in 2024.

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