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Creative Activities: See you next year!
Each year at the end of fourth term, the catch cry seems to be: “See you next year!” For so many, Creative Activities is a very good habit they enjoy!
They’ve been coming back for years, even decades. When June Long started Creative Activities back in 1979, she would have had NO idea that it would still be going all these years later and that there would be so many that think that it’s Wednesday ~ it must be Creative Activities!
Some came back in the 1980’s when their children were little and now they’ve retired and they’re back! Our registration day this term will be February 7 and I’m looking forward to greeting so many familiar faces.
If you’d like to join our happy CreativeActivities family and would like to learn new or old crafts and make new friends, text Carolyn on 0416 077 291 or send an email to: [email protected] We’d love to see you!