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Couples at Alive

By Leonie Dixon

Angelina and Vince Rossi

Concluding our couples series with Angelina and Vince Rossi as well as Rosh Vee and Latif Ismail. If you and your partner are looking for something to do together you might like to consider radio as the Rossis did.

Angelina presents Un Tocco D’Italia and last month at the AGM was elected to the Board. One of her portfolios is fund raising and she did an amazing job organising the Castle Hill Bunnings sausage sizzle yesterday, resulting in the best fund-raising record yet.

A reason she is so successful is the support Vince gives spending many hours cooking the sausages and returning all the equipment to the station. They really work as a team and obviously enjoy the contributions they make to their volunteer roles,

Rosh and Latif host the first Malay Radio show in Sydney called Satu Suara (one voice) together, but theirs is a real family team. This year their eldest son also started a youth show called Gen Z Radio Show.

The advantages are that the whole family understands the demands of volunteering at a station. Rosh and Latif assist their son, as well as support each other’s shows.

Rosh Vee and Latif Ismail

They are now a radio family doing 3 shows for the community. Initially Rosh took up the challenge of learning radio at 2MFM in 2017 and then started The Busy Mums Radio show at Alive 90.5 FM in 2022 and soon after Latif started the Malay show.

The only disadvantage seems to be spending too much time on radio! Rosh told me, “We lead very busy lives at the moment and it’s easy to give too much time to radio so we have to make sure we manage our time.” There you have another opportunity, you may want to volunteer with your children. If that’s the case, email me at [email protected]

alive 90.5 fm

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