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Community Help for Ivar

By Bev Jordan

The Kenthurst community has rallied around to support a motorcyclist who lost his leg after a crash in Annangrove earlier this month.

Ivar Karklins is still gravely ill and faces a long recovery in hospital since his Harley Davidson motorcycle collided with a Ford ute about 2.30 pm on Sunday, August 1.

Four weeks later, he is still in ICU at Westmead Hospital and heavily medicated.

He was knocked unconscious when his motorbike rolled down an embankment before crashing into a metal fence on Annangrove Rd. Off-duty paramedics who lived nearby rushed to his aid before emergency services, including a CareFlight helicopter, arrived on the scene. He was rushed to the hospital in a critical condition.

The 55-year-old fencer who ran his own business has now found the community he helped, rushing to his aid after his friend and fellow Rotarian Phil Bishop created a Go Fund Me page to help with ongoing medical treatment. So far the page has raised over $18,000.

Phil said Ivar is a humble man who has given a lot of help to the community and through his volunteer work with Kenthurst Rotary Club.

“He has given an enormous amount of time helping others, as a professional fencer he has replaced much of the John Benyon Rotary Park fencing (free of charge).”

Friends have helped by cleaning up the garden of his rented home and his work shed and truck. Another friend is looking after Ivar’s dog, Annie.

Phil said due to COVID no visitors were allowed. “When he comes out of hospital Ivar will be under significant financial pressure due to not being able to work and costs associated with the accident,” said Phil. “He has a long way to go.”

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