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Bowled Over by Support

Castle Hill Bowling Club’s top Pennant players are sporting very smart new uniforms sponsored by CHRG (Castle Hill RSL Group Ltd).

The amalgamation of the two Castle Hill neighbours has seen the Castle Hill Bowling Club become a CHRG venue, and the bowlers become a CHRG sporting sub-club. The new uniform is just the first of many changes set to transform and update the bowling club.

President of CHRG, John Payne said: “We look forward to the enhancement of bowling facilities, which includes a synthetic green, with all-weather roofing and competition standard lighting, along with a new clubhouse.”

“CHRG is a leading provider of hospitality and sport services and facilities, and we are very excited to be welcoming CHBC to the CHRG family of venues. Over the years, we have enjoyed a strong relationship as neighbours and friends, and we look forward to building on this to support our membership and the sport.”.

As members of a sporting sub-Club of CHRG, bowlers can enjoy the benefits and support of the broader group – ensuring that CHRG funding is directed to the growth and support of bowls, not only to grow participation in the sport, but to ensure that bowlers continue to be able to come together in a social environment to connect and socialise.

Noel Benson, former Chairman of CHBC and now President of CHBC’s Bowls Advisory Committee said: “Having been in operation for the past 62 years, CHBC’s members were keen to ensure the sport of bowls would continue to be available to people living in the Hills area.

This amalgamation opportunity, including the new facilities that will be created, will ensure the legacy of past and current members lives on well into the future. We’re delighted for what this amalgamation offers our members and the wider community.

“Lawn Bowls is a great sport for the young and young at heart – providing a wonderful opportunity for like-minded people to participate in something low-impact, fun and relaxed, while also learning the technical skills of the game.”

The amalgamation was set in motion after Castle Hill Bowling Club responded to CHRG’s call for expressions of interest to amalgamate in 2021.CHRG (the parent company of Castle Hill RSL Club, Club Parramatta, Lynwood Golf and Country Club and Castle Hill Fitness and Aquatic Centre) saw the benefit of adding CHBC to CHRG’s family of hospitality, sport and leisure venues. The initial focus is on ensuring CHBC members comfortably transition to CHRG members and enjoy the many benefits of being part of a groupwide membership, including access to multiple hospitality venues, leading fitness and aquatic facilities and a championship golf course.

David O’Neil, Group CEO of CHRG said “We recognise the importance of continuing to support sport and the community, and see the bowling club as an important part of our future.”

CHRG’s future on their Castle Hill site includes plans to deliver a residential lifestyle development for over 55s on the existing car park in front of Castle Hill Fitness and Aquatic Centre. It is anticipated that the bowling club will be a popular destination for members and future residents alike.

For function and event enquiries contact [email protected]

New Club Shirts For Castle Hill Bowling Club1 Bowled Over By Support
Castle hill bowling club’s top pennant players in their new uniform supplied by chrg

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