AllPolice Story

Appeal to locate autistic girl missing from Hawkesbury

NSW Police Force appeal for girl missing

UPDATE, as of 6:56 PM, 23 September: Ava was found safe and well at about 6:30 PM after an extensive search which involved NSW Police officers, PolAir, the dog unit, SES, RFS, and members of the community. The Police thanked the public and everyone involved.

NSW Police Force and Hawkesbury Police Area Command are appealing for public assistance to locate a girl missing from Sydney’s northwest.

Ava Midson, aged 6, was last seen at a home on Wattle Crescent, Glossodia, at about 1:40 PM today, Monday, 23 September 2024.

When she could not be located, officers attached to Hawkesbury Police Area Command were notified and commenced inquiries into her whereabouts.

Police hold serious concerns for her welfare because she lives with autism and is non-verbal.

Ava is described as being of Caucasian appearance, about 120cm tall, with long blonde hair in a ponytail and green eyes.

According to Police, she was last seen wearing a long-sleeved purple shirt, a nappy and purple shoes.

Anyone with information about this incident is urged to contact Hawkesbury Police or Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 or Information is treated in strict confidence. The public is reminded not to report information via NSW Police social media pages.

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