Angela Maguire FAQ


Angela Maguire Independent Hawkesbury Angela Maguire Faq
Candidate Website

By nominating as an independent, I will be on the front foot advocating in real time for every single Hawkesbury resident and business. I will represent the Hawkesbury community rather than working for the interests of a political party.

As an independent, my promise is to provide genuine representation. If I become the Member for Hawkesbury, I will move the State electoral office into a central location, readily accessible by and visible to constituents. To represent people is a privilege. Rather than hiding from the electorate, I intend to be held accountable. I will be there to represent you.

As one of the safest seats for the Liberal Party in New South Wales, the Hawkesbury misses out time and again on the necessary funding and attention we deserve. It’s time we spoke up and were counted.

I will use my voice to:

  • Fight for our fair share of funding from the state to repair damaged roads

  • Lobby for effective and properly maintained flood and fire evacuation routes

  • Ensure peri-urban food production in the Hawkesbury is protected and promoted

  • Insist that the third crossing of the river be built as an immediate priority and the process for selecting the route be transparent, equitable and fair

  • Demand that the Hawkesbury be given access to the same emergency relief support as other disaster affected communities

  • Advocate for the lowering of the water levels at Warragamba for the purpose of flood mitigation when required and the expansion of the desalination plant for Sydney’s drinking water needs

  • Hold bureaucrats and their ministers to account for all planning decisions that are imposed upon the electorate without genuine community consultation and consideration

  • Get our fair share of emergency, health and transport services and support for the growing number of residents ageing in place on the western side of the river

  • Build assets that create and support resilient communities during extreme weather events such as renewable energy, batteries and communication technologies

Hear Angela speak at the Pitt Town Progress Association’s Candidate Meeting Night, held on the 8th of March:  
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