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$300,000 Boost To The Local Community

The annual NSW Community Building Partnership Grants has been an extremely important resource opportunity for our local community, and communities across our great state.

It’s a program where the NSW Government assists the community with infrastructure projects that deliver positive social, environmental, and recreational outcomes, while also promoting community participation, inclusion and cohesion.

This year, the new Labor Government cut each electorates funding by 25%, and implemented new processes which impacted the ability for a larger spread of these funds across the community. So, less funds and less recipients. Regardless, I am thrilled that the following organisations will be able to complete some

incredible projects that will enhance the Kellyville electorate and have positive outcomes for our community:

  • Crestwood High School P & C Assoc.
  • East Coast Eagles AFL Football Club Inc.
  • Hills Football Inc.
  • Kellyville Public School P & C Assoc.
  • KU Children’s Services
  • Rouse Hill Junior Rugby League Inc.
  • Rouse Hill Rams Little Athletics Centre Inc.
  • Our Lady of the Rosary Primary Kellyville
  • Parramatta District Junior Rugby League Club Inc.

The 2024/25 NSW Budget has just been handed down, confirming once again the completion date for the Rouse Hill Hospital is June 2029.

At a time when our hospitals are under increasing pressure and the Minns Labor Government has received record revenue from stamp duty for the sale of new homes, the health of our community is jeopardised by an out of touch Premier more intent on finding another $6.4 billion dollars to increase wages for his union mates.

The health needs of our community has been significantly jeopardised by the Minns Labor Government, who stopped the construction process of the Rouse Hill Hospital which had already commenced prior to the last state election.

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