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New Richmond Bridge Takes Shape

We’re getting a much clearer picture of the design of the new Richmond Bridge, with more details out for people to see and respond to.

I started this battle for a quicker journey across the Hawkesbury River at North Richmond nearly 15 years ago!

Anthony Albanese and I stood on the Richmond Bridge in 2010, providing the first federal funding to tackle congestion and investigate options for a new bridge.

Once the initial study happened, not much more progress was made by state or federal governments for many years.

What the latest information tells us is that the NSW Government, with $400 million of federal funding plus $100 million of their own, is looking at a new 4-lane bridge next to the current one.

It will be built 10 metres higher and the additional flood resilience it provides means the bridge, and the approaching roads, would remain open if the floods we’ve experienced since 2020 were repeated.

The Review of Environmental Factors (REF) also provides more detail on what is covered by the next stage of construction.

Plus it tells us that the old bridge will be kept for pedestrian and cycling use.

You can have a look at the details on the Transport for NSW website, and you can ask questions of the project team, and provide your feedback by Friday 21 February.

There’s also an online information session on 29 January with drop-in sessions at the North Richmond Community Centre on Saturday 1 and Wednesday 5 February.

The REF and further information can be found at https://www.transport. new-richmondbridge-stage-2

While all of that is happening, Transport for NSW is seeking expressions of interest to complete the detailed design and construction of the new bridge.

Tenders are also out for the upgrade of two intersections on The Driftway, as part of Stage 1 of the construction.

Susan Templeman

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