Readers of this Hidden In The Hills column each month may recall that I have been a volunteer with the Community Environment Centre at Annangrove for many years. I have frequently made mention of the various activities for which the Centre is well known.
Along with Sustainability Workshops and Demonstration Gardens, one of the other popular services for community members is the availability of a selection of short publications relating to environmental matters, organic gardening practices and bushland awareness.
Some of these publications have been prepared with young children in mind, in that the booklets contain puzzles and activities for them to work through, in a fun way, learning more about those things that can be discovered around the home and in our local bushland areas.
As School Holidays approach, the activities contained in these booklets could be an interesting, if not useful, diversion for a rainy day when there may not be a great deal to keep the youngsters busy inside.
One such booklet is entitled “Five Minute Nature Crosswords”.
Using the medium of photography, the fourteen crossword puzzles feature birds, wildflowers, animals and bushland features to provide the clues. Some puzzles may be easy, whilst others could be more difficult. A solution is provided for each one.
In the event of readers being unable to visit the Community Environment Centre in Currie Avenue at Annangrove to pick up a free copy of this booklet, it can be accessed free of charge, on-line, at the following link :-
Simply enter this link into your preferred browser, press “enter” (return) and the book will open as a “flipbook”. Click on the arrows at the sides to progress through the book.
If you wish to print a selected page or the entire booklet, locate the “print” icon and follow the prompts with my compliments.