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It’s Time to Face up to Dementia

An estimated 12,000 people in Western Sydney live with dementia but around 8,000 are not diagnosed. Diagnosis is essential to access treatments, rehabilitation, therapies and supports.

Timely diagnosis of dementia, regardless of age or disease progression, allows the person and their family to adjust, plan, and make lifestyle changes that can slow disease progression and improve quality of life.

Face Dementia, a dementia awareness campaign, is running in Western Sydney until October 2024 and aims to increase awareness of early symptoms of dementia, reduce dementia-related stigma and improve timely diagnosis.

People who are concerned about themselves or others are encouraged to:
• visit the Face Dementia website
• complete a the checklist for dementia symptoms and changes and
• ask their GP for an assessment.

Western Sydney resident, Stephen Grady (pictured), was diagnosed with younger onset dementia at the age of 60 after his wife encouraged him to see a doctor. “I want to encourage others to be aware of the signs of dementia, be firm in advocating for yourself, and to get an early diagnosis.”

Sydney-based GP, Dr Dimity Pond, said: “If you’re concerned, ask your GP for an assessment. A cognitive screen can be done as part of an annual assessment for people over 75 years. It is a good way to get a baseline, so your GP or practice nurse can monitor changes.”

There are also ways to improve your brain health, reduce your risk of dementia and slow the rate of decline including:
• Quit smoking
• Drink alcohol in moderation and avoid excessive drinking
• Spend time with others and be socially active
• Take care of your mental health and seek help if needed
• Engage in a range of activities that challenge your brain, like memory games
• Stay physically active
• Eat a balanced diet, like the Mediterranean diet
• Take care of your weight by eating well and staying active
• Control high blood pressure •• Keep cholesterol levels under control
• Ensure diabetes is well managed
• Protect hearing and address any hearing problems
• Protect vision and address any visual problems
• Avoid head injuries.

For more information and resources Come to a community presentation at Blacktown Library, 1:30 – 2:30pm on Thursday 12 September.

Free admission via Blacktown City Council. Visit the Face Dementia team at the Western Sydney Dementia Forum, 9am to 3pm, Friday 20th September, Workers Blacktown, 55 Campbell St, Blacktown. Free admission via

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